Compensation procedure - 25%


By purchasing a tractor produced by KhTZ (XTZ), you can get a 25% return of its cost (only for Ukraininan enterprises). This decision was developed in accordance with the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers from March 1, 2017 No. 130 on compensation of the value of agricultural machinery produced domestically.

In order to receive money under the compensation program, apply to the state bank and provide documents confirming the purchase of machinery or equipment. After receiving the documents, the Ministry of Agrarian Policy transfers the funds to the state bank within one month, and the latter compensates the agricultural producer for 25% of the cost of the acquired equipment without VAT in a one-day period.

The mechanism for obtaining compensation is the following:

1. The machinery covered by the state program:
- ХТZ-248K.20
- ХТZ-243K.20 
- ХТZ-242K.20 
- ХТZ-241K.20
- ХТZ-150K-09.172.00
- ХТZ-150K-09.172.10 
- Т-150-05-09

2. Pay for the machinery to the manufacturer or dealer through one of the authorized banks

3. Submit an application and confirming documents on the purchase of the machinery or equipment to the bank (a copy of the payment order and the certificate of acceptance and transfer of equipment)

4. After receiving the documents, the Ministry of Agrarian Policy transfers the funds to the state bank within one month, and the latter compensates the agricultural producer for 25% of the cost of the acquired equipment without VAT in a one-day period.

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